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Understand Your Biorhythm: Train Smarter, not Harder

Have you ever noticed that there are days when you feel like super(wo)man and on other days everything is kind of sluggish? That's probably because of your biorhythm!

It's like an internal clock that controls your body and mind. If you understand how it works, you can plan your training and your everyday life so that you always get the best out of yourself. Exciting, isn't it?

We'll tell you how you can use your biorhythm to achieve your fitness goals – and more!

What is the biorhythm?

Athlete during training

Your biorhythm is like an invisible internal clock. It tells you when it's time to really step on the gas and when it's better to shift down a gear.

If you don't yet know when your optimal training time is, you'll definitely find out now!

There are three main cycles that make up your biorhythm:

  • Physical cycle (23 days): This cycle determines your physical strength, endurance and coordination. At the high points of this cycle, you feel stronger and more energized - perfect for an intense workout or a long run.

  • Emotional cycle (28 days): This cycle affects your mood and motivation. At the high points, you feel emotionally stable and optimistic, which helps you stay motivated and pursue your goals.

  • Intellectual cycle (33 days): This cycle affects your ability to concentrate and learn. At high points, you are mentally sharp and receptive - the best time to learn new things or work on complex tasks.

What is a good biorhythm?

Athlete training with a dumbbell

Basically, there is no good or bad. The best biorhythm is the one that is optimally tailored to your lifestyle and your individual needs.

Here are some characteristics of a good biorhythm:

  1. Regular sleep-wake rhythm: You go to bed at the same time every day and get up at the same time. This helps your body to settle into a stable rhythm.

  2. Use peak phases correctly: You know the times when you are at your most productive, strongest and most focused and use these for challenging tasks and intensive training.

  3. Rest and relaxation: You plan sufficient time for rest and relaxation to ensure that your body and mind can regenerate.

  4. Adapted nutrition: You eat regularly and make sure you give your body the nutrients it needs to keep your energy levels stable.

  5. Flexibility: You are able to listen to your body's signals and adjust your daily routine if you notice that your biorhythm is out of balance.

How does the biorhythm influence my training?

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In short: very! Have you ever wondered why some days you give it your all in the gym and other days you fall flat during the warm-up?

Now you know! Your biorhythm is like your personal fitness coach.

This is how your biorhythm influences your training:

Physical cycle: when am I at my strongest?

Your physical cycle lasts 23 days and determines your physical strength, endurance and coordination.

  • High phases: During the peak phases of this cycle, you feel like a superhero: you have more energy, can train harder and are less prone to injury. This is the perfect time for intense workouts, HIIT sessions or long runs. Use these times to test your physical limits and achieve new personal bests.

  • Low phases: In the low phases of this cycle, you may feel more tired and weaker. But that doesn't mean you have to stop training! Instead, you can do lighter exercises such as yoga, walks or gentle strength training. It's all about listening to your body and giving it what it needs. These phases are great for regeneration and recovery.

Emotional cycle: how motivated am I?

Your emotional cycle lasts 28 days and influences your mood and motivation.

  • High phases: At the high points of this cycle, you are a real motivational pro! You feel positive, energetic and ready to take on new challenges. Use these times to set new training goals or try out a new sport.

  • Low phases: In the low phases, you might feel a little less motivated and get frustrated more quickly. No problem! During these times, plan activities that you enjoy and that relax you, such as swimming, cycling or a relaxed Pilates class. The point is to keep moving without putting too much pressure on yourself.

Intellectual cycle: when do I learn best?

Your intellectual cycle lasts 33 days and affects your ability to concentrate and learn.

  • High phases: During the peak phases, you are mentally in top shape: you can learn new movements quickly, refine your technique and master complex exercises. Perfect for technique training or learning a new sport.

  • Low phases: In the low phases, you may find that you are more easily distracted and learn more slowly. This is the ideal time for simpler, well-known exercises where you don't have to think too much. Use these phases for repetition and refining your techniques to consolidate what you have learned.

How do I calculate my biorhythm?

Example for the calculation of the biorhythm
© Webagentur fahrenheit

Calculating your biorhythm is easier than you think! It all starts with your date of birth, because your biorhythm is based on the cycles that count from your birthday.

Here is a simple method to calculate your biorhythm:

Calculate days since your birthday

Count the number of days that have passed since your last birthday. You can use a calendar or an online day counter to do this.


Calculate the cycles

  • Physical cycle: Divide the number of days since your birthday by 23.

  • Emotional cycle: Divide the number of days since your birthday by 28.

  • Intellectual cycle: Divide the number of days since your birthday by 33.

Determine the remaining days

The decimal places that occur during these calculations tell you which phase of the respective cycle you are in.

A small example of calculation if you count 100 days since your birthday:

  • 100 days / 23 (physical cycle) = 4.34 -> The 0.34 means that you are in the first third of the physical cycle.

  • 100 days / 28 (emotional cycle) = 3.57 -> The 0.57 means that you are in the second half of the emotional cycle.

  • 100 days / 33 (intellectual cycle) = 3.03 -> The 0.03 means that you are almost at the beginning of the intellectual cycle.

Alternative: Use online tools for calculation

Not in the mood for math? No problem! There are numerous online biorhythm calculators that will do the work for you.

Simply enter your date of birth and the calculator will spit out your current state in the various cycles.

Interpret your results

Now that you know what phase of each cycle you're in, you can better plan your day (or days to come).

Here are a few tips on how to use the information:

  • Physical cycle: Are you planning an intense workout? See if you are in a peak phase. If so, this is the perfect time to go full throttle. In a low phase, you can incorporate gentler exercises.

  • Emotional cycle: Are you feeling particularly motivated or rather melancholy today? Use your high phases to start new projects or work on your fitness goals. In low phases, treat yourself to more self-care.

  • Intellectual cycle: Do you need to prepare an important presentation or learn a new technique? The high phases of your intellectual cycle are ideal for this.

Tips and tricks: How do I integrate the biorhythm into my everyday life?

SmartWOD Timer on the tablet

By now you probably know that your biorhythm is a bit of a secret superpower. If you use it correctly, you can make your life not only more effective, but also more balanced.

Here are some tips on how to make the most of your biorhythm:

Find your golden hour

Everyone has their peak periods when they feel most energetic and productive. Find out when this is the case for you.

Maybe you're an early riser who can conquer the world before 8 a.m., or maybe you're more of a night owl who really gets going in the evening?

Tip: Keep a diary in which you note how you feel at different times of the day. This will help you recognize patterns and identify your "golden hour".

Plan your workouts smartly

Did you know that you can train more efficiently by adapting your training schedule to your biorhythm? If you know when your body is physically at its peak, you can use this time for intensive workouts.


  • Morning athlete: Start your day with an energizing run or intense strength training.

  • Evening exerciser: Plan your workout after work, when you feel at your best.

Don't forget to take breaks and rest

In the low phases of your biorhythm, it is important to give your body a rest. This does not mean that you are lazy – on the contrary! Your body needs this time to regenerate and prepare for the next peak phase.

Tip: Use short meditations, relaxing walks or simply a cup of tea to calm down and recharge your batteries.

Eat in harmony with your biorhythm

Your energy level is also strongly influenced by your diet. Eat regularly and make sure you give your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally.


  • In the morning: Start with a healthy breakfast that is rich in protein and fiber.

  • Lunch: A balanced meal with complex carbohydrates will keep you full throughout the afternoon.

  • Evening: Light meals that are not heavy on the stomach will help you sleep better.

Stay flexible

Sometimes not everything goes according to plan – and that's completely okay. Listen to your body and be flexible. If you don't have the energy for an intense workout one day, then do a gentle yoga session or go for a walk.

Tip: A flexible approach will help you stay motivated and avoid overtraining. Your body will thank you for it!

Mindfulness and self-care

Mindfulness can help you to listen better to your body's signals. Regularly practise mindfulness exercises such as meditation or deep breathing to connect with your inner rhythm.

Tip: Start and end your day with a few minutes of mindfulness to calm your mind and focus on the here and now.

Train smarter, not harder

As you can see: By paying attention to your biorhythm, you can make your training (and your everyday life in general) more efficient.

You will find that you have more energy, improve your performance and minimize the risk of overtraining and injury.

So listen to your body and find your personal training rhythm - you'll be amazed at how much better you feel and how much more you can achieve!




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